Relaxed and beautiful wedding photography with ColourStone Photography

Relaxed and beautiful wedding photography with ColourStone Photography
Relaxed and beautiful wedding photography with ColourStone Photography

Friday, May 10, 2013

Help with those Pre-Wedding nerves!

"I hate having my photo taken".

"I never look good in a photograph".

"I can never smile properly when the camera is pointing at me".

Sound familiar?   I promise, you are not alone.

As a Wedding and Portrait photographer, these are words I hear many times.  Most people are uncomfortable infront of a camera - and a handful of you will love it!

So, what can we do to help?  Well, if you are coming to us for a Portrait session that's easy.  We always allow time to take practice shots - having a laugh and play with the camera for a while, until you are at least a little more relaxed and can start to pretend the camera isn't even there.

But, what if your next photo session is actually your Wedding Day.   We can't exactly ask everyone to wait for half an hour or so on the day whilst we get rid of those camera nerves.   So, that's why we offer a pre-wedding shoot.

A few weeks before your Wedding, we can get together and spend a couple of hours getting to know each other, and playing around with a few ideas.

Here's a few images from a recent Pre-Wedding Shoot I did with Katie and Dan, who are getting married next month.

For the full slide show, click  here Pre-Wedding Shoot